Jogo Grand Theft Auto V Xbox 360 Rockstar


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Este produto, o Rogo Grand Theft Auto V Xbox 360 Rockstar, é um obrigatório para qualquer entusiasta dos jogos. Com sua jogabilidade imersiva e gráficos impressionantes, os jogadores sentirão que fazem parte da ação. O jogo oferece uma ampla gama de atividades, desde dirigir e disparar até a exploração e a interpretação, tornando-o uma experiência verdadeiramente única. Seja você um fã da série ou novo no mundo do Grand Theft Auto, este jogo certamente fornecerá horas de entretenimento.

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Azime no site Amazon em 27/11/2023:
Found the missing one I had
Fran no site Amazon em 14/09/2023:
Muito bem embalado, entrega rápida, meu filho amou o jogo.
Jho no site Amazon em 14/09/2023:
Top... funcionou perfeitamente, cd original. Obrigado . Sem problemas.
Marcelo Ferreira Almeida no site Amazon em 28/02/2023:
Top demais
Allan V. no site Amazon em 30/12/2022:
Produto novo, chegou muito bem embalado e em perfeito estado. Veio dois cd's e um mapa. Produto original. Podem comprar sem medo.
Rafael no site Amazon em 02/05/2022:
Produto original, veio tudo correto com dois CD's. Um para instalar e outro do jogo, como meus irmãos tem o Xbox travado só funciona original mesmo.
Saxytechman no site Amazon em 17/06/2016:
I'll be honest - this is the first Grand Theft Auto game that I've actually taken the time to complete the missions on. I have played GTA San Andreas and Vice City in the past, but by "played" I mean mostly just tear the city up with cheat codes to make myself invincible and have my own fun with it. Though I did buy this game back in July of 2015, I just recently got into it hardcore and dove through the rest of the missions in the last two weeks, mostly due to my not having a job at the moment and gaining a crap ton of free time to indulge in GTA. Anyway, onto my actual review of this amazing game.People were not wrong when they said this game is so massive and detailed with numerous areas of Los Santos to explore and take on various complex missions in. Part of the fun is just driving around the big city and wandering off to the desert land and seeing what mischief I can put Trevor, Michael, or Franklin through. Though I haven't yet purchased the most fancy and souped-up cars or the biggest choppers available, it's still a lot of fun to bum around in the cars flowing through traffic and take on the cops when I'm feeling lucky. Generally, when I rack up one or two stars, it's not that difficult to evade the cops' paths and get away with my madness. As I hit 3 or the rare (for me) 4 stars, that's when I run into trouble and likely end up walking out of a hospital 10 minutes later. That's all just some of the craziness you can get yourself into, but let's move onto the three main characters, shall we?Michael: Out of the three characters available, I enjoy Michael the most. While he goes after these incredibly insane heists and pulls in gobs of money behind authority, he tries to remain calm and collected about everything and not make the job any more difficult than it has to be. He's got a family that he cares immensely about, keeping them out of harm's way when deals may or may not fall through (spoiler?). He's also got a sweet house and certainly knows how to spend his money. I also just like his personality and how he handles situations throughout the game.Franklin: "Rising" from the hood, Franklin is more on the neutral side for me. I don't like him, but I don't dislike him. He doesn't exactly have the life Michael has, but isn't down in the dumps like Trevor either. At the beginning of the game, life isn't really all rainbows and unicorns for Franklin, and not much is going his way or for him. As missions are completed and life progresses, however, it slowly changes for the better, without me giving too much away.Trevor: Oh boy. Trevor is definitely his own person. I would never want to run into him in a dark alley in the middle of the day. There's no telling what he has in mind for anyone in GTA V, friend or foe. Half the time, when I played as Trevor during a mission or one of the "Strangers and Freaks" side missions, I never really knew what to expect from him during the cut scenes and interrogations. Really the only two what I would consider R-rated portions of the game for Trevor are is when he's first introduced in the game and when he meets with Floyd and Debra in Floyd's apartment.Now that I've given some insight on each character and my take on them, I'd like to take some time for pros and cons. Sound good, yes?Pros: - It's pretty damn easy to make money, and from various ways. There's the stock market, which, unlike in real life, doesn't ever crash, just dips up and down. Besides that, there are the heists that you accomplish which end up bringing in loads of cash, depending largely on who your crew members are. On the smaller side, there are random events that can lead to some pocket change as well. - Guns are easy to get, maybe too easy. Just stop at Ammu-Nation when you've got some dough and you've got a plethora of weaponry to choose from. - There's Vanilla Unicorn: Gentlemen's Club (aka Strip Club) right around Franklin's neighborhood that you can check out if you ever feel so inclined. - Endless opportunity for exploring, new activities, having it out with the cops, races, you name it.Cons: - I realize it's Rockstar, and this is a rated Mature game and all that stuff, but I still feel that they used the N word a little excessively. As one of the first posters mentioned, many of the lines are literally scripted with the N word in there at least 4 or 5 times. It's not like it affected me, because it didn't. It's just annoying when two characters are constantly babbling at each other with that kind of language, so I fully agree with that poster. Unfortunately, for me, this cost the game a star. - There's kind of a lot you have to do to reach that 100% completion mark. Not only do you have to complete all 69 missions, but there are I think like 4 or 5 other categories of beefy material you need to cover in the game to really finish it off. I guess it's a con because after you've done it all, what else is there left to work towards in the game, besides more money? - GTA Online requires Xbox Live Gold, so I'll probably never be online, but that isn't a huge issue anyway.Other than that, this is an excellent game, and I highly recommend any GTA and Rockstar Games fans to check it out (and are of mature age of course, not sure if even 17 cuts it at a mature level with this one) and see for yourself just how large of a game this is and consider the amount of money, time, and effort that went into this beast of a video game.
Bigkat no site Amazon em 11/10/2013:
To start: If you are reading this review, know up front this game is not for children, at all, in any way, shape or form. If you are a parent, think long and hard before buying this game for your kids (I have a very well rounded and intelligent 17 year old and she doesn't get near it). It is also not for the easily offended or emotionally sensitive person. This game is very, very hard core and you have to realize that playing the game is stepping into an alternate reality. I play this game to have a little fun and blow off some steam after a long day at work. Also, I am writing this as someone is not a huge gamer, but someone who is a big fan of the GTA series as a whole.Overall, the game is a joy to play. The cars handle much better (and more realistically) than in previous versions. In additions, the cars seem to take much more abuse (not sure how realistic that is, but it is fun) and the graphics make it easier to drive. The planes and helicopters are much more difficult to control. I am not a pilot so I have no clue about that level of realism, but I do wish that they were a tad easier...maybe institute some settings to make them either a little easier or harder to control (based on your own tastes).The side missions can be fun and interesting, but can also be a bit of a bore. Some of the missions are so easy that I had a hard time using any mental capacity to entertain them. However, others are a blast to play, and seem to have a great deal of strategy to them.One thing that I did not like was that on a few missions, you had to look for an object or person, with limited or no guidance, and the task was not really why you bought the game-to shoot folks, use weapons, and generally wreak havoc. The times you had to look for something, I wish that more time was spent either getting out of a situation or figuring out what step to take next rather than have to walk around or drive a random vehicle around looking for some object (with no real incentive to go faster or slower except to get a higher "medal")The storyline and characters were disjointed. The covnersations in the car relative to the cut scenes did not flow smoothly, and the characters were interesting on their own (especially that psycho Trevor) but with no clear character or storyline development. While the ability to have all three characters available was great from a theoretical standpoint, I think that focusing on just one character throughout the story would have given a better opportunity for character development. You could then have secondary characters to control during a mission to enhance the experience, and give them random chances to interact with the player once their set of missions were complete (without affecting the main storyline).I also think that Rockstar did little development for new activities. For instance you have the ability for boat, offroad, and street races, but that is the same as in the previous titles; basically the same old thing. Activities like golf, tennis, and triathlons are steps in the right direction, but do they really have solid connections to the players? I cannot imagine Trevor or Franklin playing either golf or tennis (although having Trevor play tennis was a hoot). There are things such as casinos (where they could gamble) and opportunities to either steal cars or take various folks out as recurring side missions that might be much more in line with their characters. In addition, I agree that while the city itself sprawls and contains amazing graphics, I wonder if they had shrunk the city some and used that effort and technology to allow entry into more buildings if that would give more interest to the game.The storyline missions were, for me, one of two things: either way too easy or so ridiculously hard that I could not figure out how to beat them for some time. Also, the cops in the game are very inconsistent-if you have a one star wanted level and run from a cop car, you almost always escalate to a two star level, but you have to basically take out half the force to get beyond a three star level. The consistency of all aspects seems to be missing.Overall, I think this game is fabulous and has alot to offer, but I think it falls a little short of the previous titles in the storyline and mission aspects. It feels a little like this game should have been written for the increased processing power of the soon to come gaming systems from Sony and Microsoft, where they would have had enough horsepower in the console to truly make this game compelling. However, if asked I would recommend to buy this product.

Ficha Técnica

Acessórios Inclusos:
Não possui
Acessórios Inclusos:
Não possui
Classificação ESRB:
M - Mature (A partir de 17 anos)
Classificação ESRB:
M - Mature (A partir de 17 anos)
Indicado para Kinect:
Indicado para Kinect:
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V
Número de Jogadores:
1 jogador
Número de Jogadores:
1 jogador
Plataforma Compatível:
Xbox 360
Plataforma Compatível:
Xbox 360
Possibilidade Jogar em Rede:
Não informado pelo Distribuidor
Possibilidade Jogar em Rede:
Não informado pelo Distribuidor
Série do Jogo:
Série do Jogo:
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